1 month symptom control: woman handing food out from a food truck1 month symptom control: woman handing food out from a food truck

Actor Portrayal


Treat schizophrenia with 1 dose* a month with INVEGA SUSTENNA®.
*After 2 starting doses

A woman with headphones around her neck staring straight aheadA woman with headphones around her neck staring straight ahead

Actor Portrayal

Help Control Your Symptoms With INVEGA SUSTENNA®

Of patients taking INVEGA SUSTENNA®, 90% did not experience a significant return of schizophrenia symptoms vs 66% of those not treated.

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The right treatment plan for me includes INVEGA SUSTENNA®, as recommended by my healthcare professional. My medication, along with my complete treatment plan, has helped me manage my symptoms, and with my symptoms under control, I am able to do the things I love and be more social.

– A schizophrenia community member

How to Start Treatment With INVEGA SUSTENNA®

INVEGA SUSTENNA® is different from daily pills, it's an injection given once a month. To make sure that the medication is prescribed appropriately to be both safe and effective for you, there are steps that your treatment team will take:



Once you and your healthcare professional have determined that INVEGA SUSTENNA® is the right treatment for you, you may need to test for tolerability using the oral formulation of the active ingredient in INVEGA SUSTENNA®.



After your healthcare professional has determined that you can tolerate the medication, you'll receive 2 starting doses of INVEGA SUSTENNA®, each dose 1 week apart, into the muscle of your upper arm.



After your starting doses, your healthcare professional will prescribe the appropriate dose of INVEGA SUSTENNA® for you (39 mg, 78 mg, 117 mg, 156 mg, 234 mg), and you'll be scheduled to receive a maintenance dose every 4 weeks into the muscle of either your upper arm or buttocks.

It's important to be patient, because starting any new medication can be challenging. Work with your healthcare professional to find the right dose of INVEGA SUSTENNA® that will help control your schizophrenia symptoms with the fewest side effects. It's very important that you go to all of your injection appointments. If you miss an injection, talk to your treatment team as soon as possible. If you are experiencing symptoms or side effects, be sure to let your healthcare professional know. You and your treatment team members can also discuss options that will help you remember your injection appointments, or if you might be able to receive your injection at a place near you other than your healthcare professional's office.

Clinical Trial Results

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The average time to relapse in the INVEGA SUSTENNA® group was 416 days, compared to 226 days in the group taking daily pills.

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At 15 months, the group of people taking INVEGA SUSTENNA® had a 30% lower risk of a relapse than the group of people taking one of the 7 most commonly prescribed daily pills, and longer average times before relapse.

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The most common side effects of INVEGA SUSTENNA® seen in this study were:

    • Injection site reactions
    • Insomnia
    • Weight gain
    • Feeling restlessness or needing to be constantly moving
    • Anxiety

Other common side effects seen in previous studies include: sleepiness or drowsiness, dizziness, and abnormal muscle movements including tremor (shaking), shuffling, uncontrolled involuntary movements, or abnormal movements of your eyes.

In this study, 92.5% of patients treated with INVEGA HAFYERA® and 95% of patients treated with INVEGA TRINZA® did not experience an episode at 12 months.

  • Results were based on a 12 month, randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority trial (n = 702).
  • INVEGA HAFYERA® is to be used after adequate treatment with either INVEGA SUSTENA® (paliperidone palmitate) for at least 4 months or INVEGA TRINZA® following at least one 3-month injection cycle. The open-label phase of the study was conducted in 6 countries, excluding the United States.

A group of 444 adults living with schizophrenia was selected to participate in this 15-month study. These adults were often excluded from trials due to recent histories of arrest and jail time, prior self-reported substance or alcohol abuse, or homelessness.

They were then divided into 2 treatment groups: 1 group took the once-monthly injection INVEGA SUSTENNA®, and the other group continued taking 1 of the 7 most common daily pills prescribed by their healthcare professional. The study was not designed to compare INVEGA SUSTENNA® to each individual oral pill.

  • How was episode defined in this study?
    • Being admitted to a psychiatric hospital
    • Getting arrested or going to jail
    • Quitting treatment because of safety or side effects
    • Stopping the treatment they were assigned because it wasn’t working
    • Adding other treatments because the treatment they were assigned wasn’t working
    • Seeking additional help to prevent going back to the hospital
    • Suicide



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