Actor portrayal: mother, father, and daughter laughing together on a couchMother, father, and daughter laughing together on a couch

Actor Portrayal

Patient Stories

Schizophrenia affects millions of American adults, but treatment and symptoms can be very different from person to person. Listen to real stories from real people with schizophrenia to learn more about how they found the right treatment path with long-acting injections (LAIs).

Living With: 2 Doses a Year

Patrick* was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but he didn’t let that get in the way of his future. He’s finishing school, pursuing his career, and continuing to be an inspiration.

*Patrick is a volunteer with the SHARE Network, a volunteer program dedicated to helping adults living with schizophrenia share their personal health stories.

He is on a schizophrenia treatment journey with INVEGA HAFYERA®, given by injection from a healthcare professional. He began treatment after being adequately treated with INVEGA SUSTENNA® for at least 4 months and INVEGA TRINZA® for at least 3 months.

Living With: 4 Doses a Year

“About a year into my journey, my doctor and I worked together to find a treatment plan that worked for me. Now I receive INVEGA TRINZA® once every 3 months and my schizophrenia journey is going well. I’ve graduated college, have a job, and am looking forward to finding more opportunities for independence.”

- A schizophrenia community member

Living With: 12 Doses a Year

“The transition from oral medication to INVEGA SUSTENNA® was an easy decision because not having to take oral pills and doing a one-month injectable treatment meant that I wouldn’t accidentally skip a dose, or I wouldn’t accidentally double up on a dose.”

– A schizophrenia community member

Living Better for Herself and Her Family

Elizabeth wanted to do more for herself and for her kids and that meant finding a treatment that would make a difference in her life.

Elizabeth is a volunteer with the SHARE Network, a volunteer program dedicated to helping adults living with schizophrenia share their personal health stories.

She is on a schizophrenia treatment journey with INVEGA SUSTENNA®, given by injection from a healthcare professional.

Living as a Caregiver

Caregivers are impactful members of a treatment team. Maye is the caregiver for her son, Jason. 

Maye is a volunteer with the SHARE Network, a volunteer program dedicated to helping adults living with schizophrenia share their personal health stories.

Relying on Your Treatment Team

Maye is actively involved in her son Jason’s recovery journey and his transition to a long-acting injection (LAI).

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